Sonntag, 23. August 2015

Have you made someone smile today?

<< The logical consequence is that good things come back to you if you surround yourself with positive people and have a positive attitude towards life.>>

I think that in our society we expect others to come up to us and start a conversation or compliment us. Especially on social media. Either as a comment under a picture or a random act of kindness like a reassuring message after a confused/sad post/tweet.

Yet, most people only expect others to act that way. It takes only a few seconds to give someone your smile or a compliment. As we spend so much time online we should transfer this behaviour their as well.

People have lost their balance between what they want to receive and what they are willing to give.

I thought about how I could change the situation and bring more positiveness to my own life. The first thought was to make a #Hashtag on twitter out of this. But then I realised that that is part of the Problem because I probably had the thought about how such a project could affect me in the back of my mind. Which makes me part of the problem.

You don’t need a reason to be kind to people. No Hashtag. No special occasion. No pretty picture.

A few words can make a difference. Make someone smile today.

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